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Only 1 time, USD26. Then you can get bonuses such as infinity bonus & other with a Redeem product (need condition)

Sunday 8 February 2015


1) Hopefully our product can help the consumer to get good healthy & increase their body resilience.Our products as a FOOD SUPPLEMENT ONLY. 
2) Our products - come from  VARIOUS COUNTRIES
3) To buy or be a member, please open :-
     b) blogspot

4) List of existing products

Num   Product's  Name      Purpose                                Country supply
1       Iksir Hisath           Renal & bladder stone               India
                                   urinary tract infection
2       Hairocool              To cool hair & head                   India
3       Honey (tualang)     Multipurpose                            Indonesia
4       Action 100            Cancer,heart attack, high           Malaysia
                                   blood & leukemia
5      Magiga                  Sugar substitute                       Malaysia
6      Thinx 2                  Mind's supplement                    Malaysia
7      Visiting to New Zealand
8      Umrah                  Thru' Thailand
                                  Thru'  Brunei
                                  Thru' Indonesia
                                  Thru' India
                                  Thru' Malaysia
9)     Belt & wallet        For Men                                     Malaysia
10)   Kishnizi                Acid peptic disorder,gastritis,       India
                                  duodenitis, chest burn
                                  and indigestion   

11)  Jade                    Material from very quality (origin    --------
12) Car's Video &        Install at 4 corner for safety           Thailand
      recorder               purpose 
13) Gold Bar               PAMP-Swiss Made                         Swiss